Monday, April 14, 2014

Hola From El Salvador!

Well things continue at about the same pace. We were able to bring an investigator to church this week, a young boy named Steven. His mom is an inactive member. She got cancer in her legs and had to get one of them amputated. This trial has been hard on her and so she doesn’t treat her kids very well. She always criticizes them and tells them what they do wrong and all that. We tried to teach the importance of her role as a mother but she just doesn’t want to change. It made me realize how grateful I am to have a mother that loves and supports me. I LOVE YOU MOM!!! 

We are going to have another trip to the San Salvador temple with investigators this Friday. It’s going to be a really cool experience. A lot of people get baptized after these visits so we are praying and working to bring a lot of people to it. I’m pretty settled in now to the area and getting along with all the members. I’m really glad I inherited dad’s people person skills… And his good looks :) Everyone always compliments the photos I show them. They say that dad looks like Tom Cruise and that you guys look so young.

I’m so grateful for all the blessings that our Heavenly Father has blessed me with, especially my family. Say Hi to all the people there, especially the Showalters. Tell Jeff thank you for the leatherman he gave me! I use it almost every day for something! I miss them a lot. Start planning a trip to buffalo for when I get back! Well I love you all and hope you have a great week! This week I officially complete a year! I can’t believe it!!!

Here are some photos for the week, Me and a baby cat in my pocket, and of course a picture with another little Salvadoreño kid.

Elder Hoy 
Baby Kitty
Me and a little Salvadoreño

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