Friday, December 6, 2013

Mixed Blessings

Well this last week was alright! Monday I got super sick! I didn’t like it at all!  I think it was only food poisoning because it passed in one day! So Monday I slept all day with a fever. Tuesday I still felt bad, so I went to the doctor to do some exams but they didn’t come up with anything. We spent half the day in the house until we got the all clear from the mission nurse. I was glad though because I got to read a couple of the books from the missionary library. One of them is called "Our Legacy" and it’s all about the history of the church and all of the prophets. I learned a lot! It was so sad reading about all of the trials that the early saints of the church faced, but also inspiring to read about the amazing faith that they had.

I also started another book called "Our Search for Happiness"  by M Russell Ballard. It just explains a lot about the doctrine and beliefs of the church. It’s almost written for nonmembers so that they can understand more about the church. I’ve taken a break from reading "Jesus the Christ" because it’s a little harder to understand.

It actually has been pretty cold down here too. Well not cold but I had to buy a long sleeve shirt to sleep in at night! But I like it! It beats the heat for sure! I can’t believe it is already December! I’m almost a third done with my mission! Can you believe that?? I can’t!

Yeah... sorry I kind of peeked at everything in my Christmas box. I love the new ties! And as far as talking to you on Christmas day, it’s like whenever I want... I think. What hour would be the best for you guys when everyone can be in the house?  I don’t know about Facetime because not that many people have Macs here, but we can do Skype! I’ll start talking to some members to plan everything! Here's a picture of me and a cute little baby boy! I love you guys a lot! I’ll see you in a couple weeks!
Beanie Baby!

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